This section was built to address some common problems and compatibility issues that viewers may have with this website. Please look through this section before sending enquiries through the Send Feedback page.


This website is compatible with the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera browsers and works best under 1024x768 screen resolution. It uses the quicktime plugin to play a different .midi file on every page. The music plays automatically on the home, biography and portfolio pages and can be turned on and off using the controls on the far top left corner of every page. JavaScript and PHP scripting is implemented to generate dynamic content on the fly, and to generate the pop-up windows that shows the portfolio content.

As of the moment, Internet Explorer may have problems resizing the pop-up windows that may be generated by clicking on the thumbnails from the Portfolio Page. When that happens, it may look like the image is being cut off. Click on the same thumbnail a second time (while the popup window is still open) and that may do the trick. has not been tested on the Netscape browser. We'll be sure to keep you up to date on the compatibility issues with that platform.


Due to the presence of malicious scripts on the internet, Microsoft Internet Explorer will attempt to block the website from running JavaScript or any "Active Content" that keeps the site running properly. You may see a yellow bar appear just below the Internet Explorer toolbars saying "To Help Protect Your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer." You should click it and then select the option "Allow Blocked content". Only then will this site work properly.

Also, Pop-up blockers may interfere with the Portfolio content loading. Be sure to disable all Pop-up blockers if you are experincing problems with the Portfolio windows.

This site does not use cookies or any other technology that extracts personal information from it's viewers.


Navigating through this site has been made to be very simple. The "current location" area just below the "company" link shows you where you are on the site, and you can click on "HOME" to get back to the home page. You can also click on the main banner at the top of the page to get back to the home page.


[[Rev. Date: Jan 24, 2006]

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